

Easiest way to build and deployShopifyintegrations without learning code or cloud.

Project Compound is a low-code platform that allows you to deploy self-hosted applications that aid in expanding your online platforms and services.

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Build, Modify and Deploy apps through our Guided UI.

Deploy self-hosted apps in four easy steps. Our walkthrough makes it extremely easy to connect an integration and have it running on your Cloud in under ten minutes.

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Use cases for Project Compound

With Stripe integration, Project Compound pulls data from your Stripe resources and stores them directly into a database in a frequency interval. No coding required! Once the data is securely stored, you can leverage popular platforms like ReTool to re-create dashboards and generate insightful reports for your internal team.

Stripe Compound Usecase Image
Learn More

Toggle, test and integrate deployed application resources through our Dashboard

Our dashboard makes it easy to test and tigger application resources. This way you don't have to log into your Cloud and navigate the complex UI to test or toggle the deployed resources.

Tester Image

Read our Docs and Tutorials on how Project Compound helps with building and deployment of backend stacks.

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